நிர்க்குண நிராமய நிரஞ்சன
நிர்விஷய கை வல்ய
நிஷ்கள வசங்கசஞ் சலரகித
நிர்த்தொந்த நித்த
தற்பரவிஸ்வாதீத வ்யோமபரி
சதானந்த ஞான பகவ
சம்புசிவ சங்கர சர்வேச
சர்வகா லமுநி
அற்புத வகோசர நிவர்த்திபெறு
கானந்த பூர்த்தி
அத்திவித நிச்சய சொரூபசா
அனுபூதி யனுசூத
கற்பனை யறக்காண முக்கணுடன்
கண்ணூ டிருந்த
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணா கரக் கடவுளே. 1
47. O Supreme Lord of Grace, who dost play the joyous dance in the
worthy stage of wisdom!* O Transcendent unknowable Teacher, who didst manifest
Three-Eyed, † under the banyan tree in the North, and let Thy fit disciples‡
realize and enjoy Thy Perfect nature and bliss and Thy true advaita relation to
the universe. O Supreme Siva, let me offer my incessant prayers to Thee in
these terms:-
Sankara, Sambhu, Sadasiva
Sadananda, Bhagava,
Niramaya, Niranjana,
Nishkala, Nirvachana,
Kaivalya, Nirvishaya,
Sangala-rahitha, Tatpara, mutta
Visvathitha, Vyoma, Purna, §
Sanakra, Sambhu, Sadasiva!
[* The word in the text is chitsabha (hall of wisdom)
† Supreme Siva is Three-Eyed when personified.
‡ The reference is to the Auspicious Dakshina-murthy
who enlightened the great munis Sanaka &c. Vide 26th
verse with notes and notes to ‘chin-mudra’ in 37th verse.
§ The meanings of these addresses respectively are: -
(1) Benefactor, (2) Happy being, (3) All-love, (4) Universal ruler, (5) Ever
blissful, (6) Owner of wealth, power, praise, felicity, knowledge, and
indifference or aversion to worldly objects, (7) Void of properties, (8) free
from disease, (9) guileless or sincere, (10) Self-existent or Self-supporting,
(11) Indivisible or Entire, (12) Indescribable or Unspeakable, (13) Not dual or
two, (14) Absolute Bliss, (15) free from passion or desires; dispassion, (16)
Nitya=eternal and unchangeable; or ever existent and
unchangeable, (17) careless and free from cares, (18) Intent on doing good
or beloved to souls, (19) Unconditioned or sinless, (20) Not attached to
anything; finding no resistance, (21) accessible or welcome to all alike; also
may mean Extra-cosmic, (22) filling the Ether or Akas in full, (23) Omnipresent
c.f. also 3rd verse.]
மண்னாதி யைந்தொடு புறத்திலுள
வாக்காதி சுரோத்
வளர்கின்ற சப்தாதி மனமாதி
மன்னு சுத்தாதி
தொண்ணூற் றொடறுமற் றுள்ளனவும்
சொன்னவொரு சொற்கொண்
தூவெளிய தாயகண் டானந்த
தோற்றுமதை யென்சொல்
பண்ணாரும் மிசையி னொடு
பாடிப் படித்தருட்
பான்மைநெறி நின்று
பக்குவ விசேஷராய் நெக்குநெக்
பணிந்தெழுந் திருகை
கண்ணாறு கரைபுரள நின்றவன்
கைவிடாக் காட்சி
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணா கரக் கடவுளே. 2
48. O Supreme Lord of Grace, who dost play the joyous dance in the
worthy stage of wisdom, so that, Thy self-controlled devotees who are ever
intent on Thy Divine Arul may always realize and enjoy Thee by prostration and
worship with sweet melodious hymns with tears overflowing and melting hearts
and emaciated bodies!
how exalting is that Holy Word Thou hast taught me as Mauni*! No words to
describe its blissful consequences. The moment I began to contemplate it, I was
able to experience the universal Heavenly Joy in the Akas of Thy knowledge
wherefrom the 96 Tatvas†
and the rest were burnt away at once – namely – the external tatvas and the
internal tatvas beginning with earth, beginning with mouth,
beginning with skin, beginning with sound, beginning with manas,
beginning with kalai and beginning with sutta-vidhai.
[* Herein is implied the theory of Guru-darsana, i.e.,
of God initiating the worthy devotees among men (Sakalars) through the
instrumentality of human form or Muktas or Bhaktas or Siddhas. c.f. notes to
the 37th verse about ‘initiation.’
† The 96 tatvas are (a) the 36 internal tatvas, 5 gross elements, earth, water, fire, air and either, - 5 organs of intellect, skin, tongue, eye, nose and ear, - 5 rudimentary undifferentiated subtle elements from
which the gross elements are produced i.e., sound, touch, taste, smell, color, - 5 organs of action, mouth, foot, hand, arms, - genitals, - 4 andakaranas chittam (thinking), mind (doubting), ahankaram (wrongly resolving), buddhi (properly determining); These 24 are atma tatvas or component parts of the soul) – 7 vidhya tatvas kala (time), niyati (destiny or necessity), kalai (inducing souls to sense of duty), vidhai (imparting knowledge to souls), Irakam (exciting desire in them), purusha (consciousness produced by the preceding five kala,
&c. when joined together), maya (force of nature) – 5 siva tatvas sutta-vidhai (predominance of gnana over Kriya), Iswaram (predominance of Kriya over gnana), sathakklam (equilibrium of Kriya and gnana), sakti (act) sivam or sound (gnana) and (b) the 60 external tatvas, viz., 5 parts of earth, hair, bones, external skin, blood
vessels, flesh, +5 parts of water, fluid water, blood, semen, marrow and fat + 5 parts of fire, hunger, sleep, fear, cohabitation
and laziness – 5 parts of air, running,
walking, standing, staying and lying – 5 parts of Ether, kama (sexual love), krodha (anger) Lopa (avarice), mada (pride), macharya or matsara (envy), (These 25 are the products of the
five elements) – 10 vital airs, prana (inhaled and exhaled air, 12 inches are produced
from the nose of which 8 inches go in and 4 inches go out; in so doing 24, 600
breaths are inhaled in one day), apana (downward air causing discharge of excretions), udana (the air going upwards from the sole of the foot to
the head and causing stoutness), vyana (the regulating air that circulates and is the cause
of energetic action), samana (carries and distributes food and water and digests
food in the stomach; it corresponds to what the modern scientist calls ‘gastric
juice’), Naga (causing coughing and sneezing for the benefit of
the body), koorma (giving vitality to the eye), krihara (causing laziness and yawning’s), Devadatta (cause of twinkling and laughing), Dhanangaya (the vital air that fattens) – 10 veins blood vessels (vide notes to 36th verse) – 5 objects
of the organs of action above said, vachana (speech), gamana (going), Dhana (gift), visarga (discharge), ananda (pleasure carnal) – 4 articulate sounds, sookumai (sound in the navel), Pisanti (sound produced in the throat), madhyama (sound formed within the throat), vikari (articulate sound from the tongue or mouth) – 3 gunas or gunams, sattva (goodness), Rajas (foulness), Tamas (darkness) – 3 ahankaras or egotism, vaikrita – (the egotism in which goodness (sattva) predominates over foulness (Rajas) and darkness (Tamas), Bhutadi (the egotism in which darkness predominates over
goodness and foulness), Taijasa (the egotism in which foulness predominates over
goodness and darkness). c.f. “From the first egotism (vaikrita), the five organs of sensation and the five organs of action and the mind are
produced; from the 2nd egotism (Bhutadi) the five rudimental elements
proceed; and the 3rd egotism (Taijasa) being ‘active’ or ‘ardent’
influences both the organs of sense and the five rudiments said above),”
எல்லாமு னடிமையே யெல்லாமு
எல்லாமு னுடைய
எங்கணும் வியாபிரீ யென்றுசொலு
றிருக்காதி வேதமெல்லாஞ்
சொல்லான் முழக்கியது
மிக்கவுப காரமாச்
சொல்லறிந் தவரும்விண்டு
சொன்னவையு மிவைநல்ல
குருவான பேருந்
தொகுத்த நெறி
தானு மிவையே
யல்லாம் வில்லையென நன்றாவறிந்தேன்
அறிந்தபடி நின்றுசுகநான்
ஆகாத வண்ணமே யிவ்வண்ண
அதுவிநின தருளென்
கல்லாத வறிஞனுக் குள்ளே
கதிக்குவகை யேது
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணா கரக் கடவுளே. 3
49. O Supreme Lord of Grace, who dost play the joyous dance in the
worthy stage of wisdom! Thou art the dominating Holy Spirit existing everywhere
in nature. So the Vedas Rig* &c., as well as the great Yogins and Schools
of Teachers have rightly declared that all are Thy slaves, that all are Thy
body and property and that all motions and actions in the universes are Thine:
This and this alone, I was blessed to see, was the true Siddhanta† or
established conclusion. But instead of adhering to it and attainting Thy Bliss.
I have simply squandered my time and I am not untold of Thy Benevolence being
the cause‡ of this also.
would, therefore, appeal to Thy Mercifulness and get final Liberation and
[* The Vedas consist of four great collections (made
to facilitate the duties of the 3 classes of priests. In the sacrificial
ceremonies, and of the (4th) superintendent of the sacrifice) –
namely Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama-veda, and Atharva-Veda, Veda means knowledge.
† This was the meaning of all great saints, munis,
yogins, siddhas, and all great pure souls. Equipped with such knowledge, they
perceive no difference between the Veda and the Agamas, and they tolerate all
schools, incorporate all schools, assimilate all schools, and
accommodate all schools in their essence and truth. Then only they can be
worthy Saiva Siddhanta. cf. verses 8, 37 and 39.
‡ Cause of this i.e. squandering of time. The
Saint refers to the Doctrine of Karma as posited by the Saiva Siddhanta
School – that is – God is said to ordain the working of the Universal Law of
Karma which induces the souls to eat the fruits of past actions, good as well
as bad; when bad, the soul is said to suffer under the Rajasic misuse of time
&c. Hence the saint knows God’s Benevolence as the cause of this evil
quality and consequent suffering of pain, because, as said above, it is by
God’s Grace that we go round the course of rebirths to eat away the fruits of Karma
and procure the equilibrium (Iruvinai Oppu) of both.]
பட்டப் பகற்பொழுதை யிருளென்ற
பக்ஷமோ வெனது பக்ஷம்
பார்த்தவிட மெங்கணுந்
கோத்தநிலை குலையாது
பரமவெளி யாக வொருசொல்
திட்டமுடன் மெளனியா
யருள்செய் திருக்கவும்
சேராம லாரா கநான்
சிறுவீடு கட்டியதி னடுசோற்றை
தேக்குசிறி யார்கள்
நட்டணைய தாக்கற்ற கல்வியும்
நன்னிலய மாக வுன்னி
நானென்று நீயென் றிரண்டில்லை
நடுவே முளைத்த
கட்டவறி யாமலே வாடினே
கருணைக் குரித்தா
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணகரக் கடவுளே. 4
50. O Supreme Lord of Grace, who dost play the joyous dance in the
worthy stage of wisdom.
am not a blind bigot* like one who would obstinately say that what is black is
white. Nevertheless, I did not benefit myself by that One Word which Thou
kindly chooses to teach me and which landed me in the universal consciousness
in which I was completely absorbed. And I have been seized with the childhood
fancy of triumphing in the intellectual researches alone to the end that I have
not been able to control and concentrate my mind and discriminate†
myself from Thee the Lord of all. May Thou, therefore, bless me at once with
Thy Grace.
[* Bigot. The saint alludes to
‘fanaticism and prejudice’ with which some get foolhardy and obstinate in
controversies, especially, when their side is found to be weak.
† Supreme Love can arise only if God in his
supremacy and benevolence over us (souls) is well discriminated and understood
as such and enjoyed as such: This is a distinguishing mark of the Saiva
Siddhanta School from such other schools as do postulate, as it were. Evolution of God himself!! i.e. perfect God becoming imperfect
or the pure becoming the impure or the entire becoming the broken and so on.
c.f. Shvet Upanishad IV 15. “Surely is He the guardian of this World as long as
time shall last, the lord of all, in every creature hid; in whom the seers of
brahm and powers divine are conjoined. Thus knowing Him, one cuts the
bonds of death” – Mr. Mead’s Translation. “The knowers of Brahma, knowing Him
in this Universe as different from it, become free from birth when they are
absorbed in Brahma and steady in abstract meditation” – Dr. E. Roer’s
மெய்விடா நாவுள்ள மெய்யரு
மெய்யான மெய்யையெல்லாம்
மெய்யென வுணர்த்தியது
மெய்யிதற் கையமிலை
மெய்யேது மறியா
பொய்விடாப் பொய்யினே
னுள்ளத் திருந்துதான்
பொய்யான பொய்யை
பொய்யெனா வண்ணமே புகலவைத்
புன்மையே னென்
மைவிடா தெழுநீல கண்டகுரு
வடிவான ஞான குருவே
மலர்மேவி மறையோது நான்முகக்
மதங்டொறு நின்ற
கைவிடா தேயென்ற வன்பருக்
கருத்து டுணர்த்து
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணா கரக் கடவுளே. 5
51. O Supreme Lord of Grace, who dost play the joyous dance in the
worthy stage of wisdom! It is an undoubted fact that Thou art manifest in the
hearts of Thy devotees who love and follow truth for truth’s sake, and dost
teach them the Truth absolute.
tamasic infidelity is predominant in my mind. O! No other alternative for me if
Thou wouldst continue to keep me down in this way! O Universal Guru, I appeal
to Thy mercy. Thou art the basis of all manifestations. Thou art the
Nilakanta,* the Maha-Vishnu and the four headed Brahma well skilled in the Vedic
learning and Thou art the sole Guide of all schools of religion. Again do I
appeal to Thee because Thou alone canst inspire Love of Truth in Thy lovers
that seek after Thee.
[* Nilakanta is an epithet of Siva meaning
‘blue-necked’. Vide also notes on ‘terrible posion’ under 12th verse.]
பண்ணே னுனக்கான பூசையொரு
பாவித் திறைஞ்ச
பார்க்கின்ற மலரூடு
நீயே யிருத்தியப்
பனிமல ரெடுக்க
நண்ணே னலாமலிரு கைதான்
நாணுமென் னுளநிற்றி
நான்கும் பிடும்போ தரைக்கும்
நான்பூசை செய்யன்
விண்ணேவி ணாதியாம் பூதமே
வேதமே வேதாந்
மேதக்க கேள்வியே கேள்வியாம்
வித்தேய வித்தின்
கண்ணே கருத்தேயெ னெண்ணே
கதிக்கான மோன
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணா கரக் கடவுளே. 6
52. O Supreme Lord of Grace, who dost play the joyous dance in the
worthy stage of wisdom! I am ignorant of the due form of worship to be offered
to Thee. And if I should think of making pujah† to Thee in any of Thy
manifestations, ‡ I cannot do so because I find Thy presence in the very
flowers required for the pujah and consequently I cannot pluck those dew-filled
flowers; nor can I worship Thee with my hand as Thou art in my ashamed heart
and my worship may be said to be improper.
Thou art the One Essence of everything in the cosmos. Thou art the Ether, Thou
art the five elements, Thou art the sound, Thou art the Vedas and the Vedanta,
Thou art the final end and fruit of all inquiries and researches, and, in
short, Thou art immanent in all objects of the senses and of the intellect. The
silent state of Mona alone can realize Thy own Divine nature.
[† Pujah means worship.
‡ Manifestation here means Murthy. The reference is to the
nine manifestations of Paramatman, viz., (1) Brahma, (2) Vishnu, (3) Rudra, (4)
Maheswara, (5) Sadasiva, (6) Nadam, (Sabda Brahman), (7) Bhindu, (8) Sakti and
(9) Sivam. The Saint points out in this verse that when true Sivagnana is
attained, the dualistic worship of God personified becomes unnecessary, still,
however, Gnana-sariya, Gnana-kiriya and Gnana-yoga are unavoidably necessary
till the Final Liberation and Bliss is reached.]
சந்ததமும் வேதமொழி யாதொன்று
தான்வந்து முற்று
சகமீ திருந்தாலு மரணமுண்
சதா நிஷ்டர் நினைவ
சிந்தையறி யார்க்கீது
போதிப்ப தல்லலே
செப்பினும் வெகுதர்க்
திவ்யகுண மார்க்கண்டர்
சுகராதி முனிவோர்கள்
சித்தாந்த நித்ய
இந்த்ராதி தேவதைகள்
பிரமாதி கடவுளர்
இருக்காதி வேத
எண்ணரிய கணநாதர் நவநாத
இரவிமதி யாதி
கந்தருவர் கின்னர்கள்
மற்றையர்க் ளியாவருங்
கைகுவித் திடுதெய்
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணா கரக் கடவுளே. 7
53. O Supreme Lord of Grace, who dost play the joyous dance in the
worthy stage of wisdom! It has been invariably proclaimed by the Vedas that those
who fix their mind upon any object and meditate on the same become absorbed and
transformed into that object quite forgetful of everything else. So the
great sages who live in this world as Jivan Muktas are quite mindless of their
great Vedic truth of Soham-bhavana* can never be told to the unwise; for
it will only end in controversy.
Muktas who did not realize this Truth are Markhandeya, Suka and such-like
sages. Please to Thou raise me to their level, O God of Gods, who, art adored
by the Devas, Indra &c., adored by the Gods Brahma &c.,
adored by the Munis skilled in the Rig Veda &c, adored by the nine Siddhas,
† by the Gananathas, ‡ by the Sun and the Moon &c, by the Ghandarvas,
§ the Kinnaras || and the rest.
[* Soham, It is I, Bhavana conceiving to be or
conceiving oneself to be what is conceived about. Generally conceiving
oneself to be God without the idea of ‘me’ and ‘mine’. Becoming God; or Identifying
oneself with God. It is called also realization.
† Vide note to the 2nd verse.
‡ Gananathas are Siva’s retinues under the special
rule of Ganesa who is God of wisdom, the remover of obstacles.
§ Ghandarvas are deities of songs and music.
|| Kinnaras are the servants of Kuvera. They are said
to be half-man and half-animal.]
துள்ளுமறி யாமனது பலிகொடுத்
துஷ்டதே வதைக
துரியநிறை சாந்ததே வதையா
தொழும்பனன் பபிஷேக
உள்ளுறையி லென்னாயி
நைவேத்தியம் ப்ராணன்
ஒங்குமதி தூபதீபம்
ஒருகாலமன்றிது சதாகால
வொப்புலித் தேன்கருணை
தெள்ளிமறை வடியிட்ட
வமுதப் பிழம்பே
தெளிந்ததே னேசீ
திவ்யரச மியாவுந் திரண்டொழுகு
தெவிட்டாத வானந்தமே
கள்ளனறி வூடுமே மெள்ளமெள
கலக்கவரு நல்லவுறவே
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணா கரக் கடவுளே. 8
54. O Supreme Lord of Grace, who dost play the joyous dance in the
worthy stage of wisdom!
pacified the malevolent Deities of my Karma Mala &c., with the offering of
my turbulent mind* in sacrifice, I would, O Motionless Lord in Turiya†,
set myself to Thy Supreme worship if Thou couldst be realized by me – I would
have Thee bathed in the water of my pious love, make to Thee the offering of my
soul and worship Thee with dupa‡ of my prana§ and dipa|| of my
I will be continually performing this pujah$ in view to receive Thy
blessings, Homage, O Homage to Thee, my Gracious Lord, who mixest with my depraved
intelligence and gradually presenters¶ Thyself as my Holy Friend and Savior! O
The Sweet Ambrosia, the Essence of the Vedas? O Resplendent juice extracted
from various sweets such as sugar, sugar-candy, honey &c! O The Eternal
Bliss of increasing delight, I do always seek Thy Grace.
[* Mind or Manas being the cause of mala-bhandams
or bonds of existence, she is killed in order to kill the Karmaic effects.
† Turiya Fourth State. Vide note to 7th verse.
‡ Dupa is the incense.
§ Prana breath; Vital spirit
|| Dipa is light.
$ Puja worship; homage. Vide note to 32nd verse.
¶ c.f. “As heat though present in everything
mundane, only makes it visible under certain conditions, so the Deity (God)
though all-pervading manifests Himself to His Devotees under certain conditions.”]
உடல்குழைய வென்பெலா
நெக்குருக விழிநீர்கள்
உளற்றென வெதும்பி
ஊசிகாந் தத்தினைக் கண்டணுகல்
யோருறவு முன்னியுன்னிப்
படபடென நெஞ்சம் பதைத்துண்
பாடியா டிக்குதித்துப்
பனிமதி முகத்திலே நிலவனைய
மடலவிழு மலரனைய கைவிரித்
வானேய வானி லின்ப
மழையே மழைத்தாரை வெள்ளமே
வாழியென் வாழ்த்தி
கடன்மடை திறந்தனைய வன்பரன்
கன்னெஞ் சனுக்கெ
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணா கரக் கடவுளே. 9
55. O Supreme Lord of Grace who dost play the joyous dance in the worthy
stage of wisdom! From the flinty nature of my heart I see that I am not worthy
that Thou shouldst make me the object of Thy Blessing. And I know, indeed, that
Thou wilt be moved at Thy devotees only if they at once resort to Thy Help and
render themselves the fit objects of Thy Divine Favor, by ever praising the
boundless flow of Thy Love and by worshipping Thee, the inexhaustible spring
thereof, with their beautiful hands in great excitement: - that is, by dancing
and singing Thy Glory with as pleasant a smile as the bright moon light and
with tears of love springing forth from their eyes, with throbbing hearts and
choking voices and their bodies relaxed with dissolved bones.
for the day, my Lord, when I will be Thy Bhakta of this description.
இங்கற்ற படியங்கு மெனவறியு
எக்காலமும் முதவுவார்
இன்சொறவ றார்பொய்மை
யாமிழுக் குரையார்
இரங்குவார் கொலைகள்பயிலார்
சங்கற்ப சித்தரவ ருள்ளக்
சாக்ஷிநீ யிகப
சந்தான கற்பகத் தேவா
சமஸ்தவின் பமு
சிங்கத்தை யொத்தெனைப்
பாயவரு வினையினைச்
சேதிக்க வருசிம்
சிந்தா குலத்திமிர மகலவரு
தீன்னேன் கரையே
கங்கற்ற பேராசை வெள்ளத்தின்
ககனவட் டக்கப்
கருதரிய சிற்சபையி லானந்த
கருணா கரக் கடவுளே. 10
56. O Supreme Lord of Grace, who dost play the joyous dance in the
worthy stage of wisdom! Let me, now, state the virtues of true Gnanis* to whom
Thou wouldst be readily accessible. They are so wise as to foresee that their
future is to be meted out according to their tendencies in this life. They
are ever intent on benefitting others. They have strict regard to truth and to
the fulfilment of their promises. With ‘clemency’ as their watchword, they prove
themselves quite harmless to all creatures. When they are thus prepared
for Thy Grace, Thou, who art the everlasting witness, dost bestow on them both
heavenly and earthly happinesses, just like the trees of Heaven such as Kalpataru†
and Samtanaka‡ &c.
Thou, therefore, be a Sarabha - like§ foe to the lion of my Karma-bhanda,¶
and be the solar light to expel the darkness of my cares and anxieties.
Thou art the safety boat regularly plying in the celestial sphere of Thy Grace
and anchoring to take me in at the harbor of my undying love of devotion to
[* Gnanis are men of Divine Wisdom.
† Kalpa-taru is the wishing tree or the tree of paradise.
‡ Samtanaka is another tree of paradise. There are
said to be 5 trees of paradise which do yield all wishes.
§ An eight-legged animal, the foe of the lion,
inhabiting the snowy mountain.
¶ Karma-bhanda = bond of action.]