Sunday, October 28, 2012


            The desire for land for the purpose of agriculture and food-supply ceases or dies when the incessant drought should occur from want of rain.

            The desire of wife and children ceases or dies when incurable or severe disease attacks the members of the household.

            The desire for power and distinction to rule up to the heavenly regions like the Indra ceases or dies when the reign over the heavenly regions ceases.

            Thou shalt therefore seek Supreme Bliss from the Nila-kanta possessing the merciful Sakti in Himself.


            The Sanskrit students classify the worldly desires as ‘Ishanatraya.’ The above classifications seems to be quite exhaustive of all desires.

            The desire for land includes desire to eat sumptuous food and consequent tendency to die a lokayatha and prove a failure from the spiritual point of view.

            The desire of wife and children includes mere culturing of one’s own body and consequent tendency to die a man of carnal desires.

            The desire for power and distinction ceases with the man holding the power and distinction or until they are defeated by their inveterate foes. Realize how many Emperors and Kings below and how many Indras above have lived and died.

            Don’t be plunged and sunk in temporal desires alone. From the experience of desires – the result of Karma, you must try to realize the real aim of your life and damn the so-called desires and seek the Supreme LOVE (அன்பு)  . To live a lokayatha – the life of sensation – and die as lokayatha cannot be the ultimate end.

R. Shanmuka Mudaliar.

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