திக்கொடு திகந்தமும்
மனவேக மென்னவே
சென்றோடி யாடிவருவீர்
செம்ம்பொன்மக மேருவொடு
குணமேரு வென்னவே
திகழ்துருவ னளவளாவி
உக்ரமிகு சக்ரதர னென்னநிற்
உழுந்தமிழு மாசமனமா
ஒரேழு கடலையும் பருகவல்லீ
உலகுமயி ராவதமுமே
கைக்கெளிய பந்தா வெடுத்துவிளை
ககனவட்டத்தை யெல்லாங்
கடுகிடை யிருத்தியே
யஷ்டகுல வெற்பையுங்
காட்டுவீர் மேலுமேலு
மிக்கசித் திகளெலாம்
வல்லநீ ரடிமைமுன்
விளங்கவரு சித்தியிலிரோ
வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த சமரசநன்
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 1
57. O the Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike! Wonderfully
diverse and manifold are you siddhis or supernatural powers you can tour round,
in not time, over and beyond the regions of the universe; you can expand
yourselves to reach the region of Dhruva† which is as bright as the
golden mountain of Meru‡ and can stand in great splendor and loftiness
like the mighty Trivikrama§; you can collect and reduce the waters of
the seven|| oceans to the size of a black gram and take them in as the small
draught of asamana$; you can make a play-ball of both Indra’s world and
his elephant¶; you can compress in a mustard-seed all the heavenly spheres and
make a show of all the eight** classes of mountains together. In short, you can
make a molecule of a universe and a universe of a molecule.
then, demi-gods, it can never be out of your will and power to favor me with
your darsana†† if full.
Note: - The reference in this verse
it to the wonderful powers of the Siddhas. These powers will seem supernatural
to the material world alone. Those entering the spiritual plane of existence
will feel nothing impossible for man. My Holy Guru exhibits the Siddhi
of pra-kamya (floating in earth). Vide note to 44th verse.
[* Vide notes to 21st and 43rd
† Dhruva is the polar star. This state of eternity
was bestowed upon, Dhruva, the son of a King named Uttana-pada and the grandson
of Manu, for his austerity and penance after his initiation by Narada his Teacher.
‡ Meru is the golden mountain in the center of
Gambudvipa round which the planets are said to revolve vide note to 12th
§ Trivikrama means literally ‘the three steps of
Vishnu; hence Vishnu is so-called. [The references to Vishnu and his three
steps are frequent in the Rig Veda, but in all these instances it does not mean
any other than the Sun. His three, strides are his positions at dawn, noon and
evening; for example.
“Vishnu strode over this universe; in three places
he planted his step: [The world or his step] was enveloped in dust.” Rig. i. 22. 17 ff.
Sakapuni’s interpretation of the
three steps is, fire one earth, lightning in the firm ament, and sun in the
sky. According to Sayana, this refers to the story of Vamana Avatara.]
|| Seven oceans are: - Salt-waters – Fresh waters –
and those like milk, curd, ghee, sugarcane, juice and honey.
$ Asamana is the drop of water taken in by the palm
at the offering of daily prayers.
¶ Indra’s elephant is called ‘airavatha’ or
** Eight classes of mountains are – (1) Kailas, (2)
Himalayas, (3) Mandra, (4) Vishya, (5) Nidatha, (6) Yama-guda, (7) Nilgiris and
(8) Khanda Madana. This is one classification.
†† Darsana=sight (of Guru or spiritual Teacher); Our
Saint’s Guru is a Siddhi. Hence this special address to them Siddhas.]
பாட்டளிது தைந்துவளர்
கற்பகன னீழலைப்
பாரினிடை வரவழைப்பீர்
பத்மநிதி சங்கநிதி யுருபா
பணிசெயுந் தொழிலாளர்போற்
கேட்ட்து கொடுத்துவர
நிற்கவைப் பீர்பிச்சை
கேட்டுப் பழைப்போரையுங்
கிரீடபதி யாக்குவீர்
கற்பாந்த வெள்ளமொரு
கேணியிடை குறுகவைப்பீர்
ஒட்டினை யெடுத்தா யிரத்தெட்டு
ஒளிவிடும் பொன்னாக்குவீர்
உரகனு மினைப்பார யோக
உலகுசுமை யாகவருளான்
மீட்டிடவும் வல்லநீ
ரென்மனக் கல்லையனன்
மெழுகாக்கி வைப்பதரிதோ
வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த சமரசனன்
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 2
58. O the Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike! Let me further
declare your marvelous deeds. You can bring on to this earth the Heavenly tree
of Kalpa-taru* with its delightful shade, around which the sweet singing
wasps swarm up with merriment; you can make Sanka-nidhi† and Padma-nidhi‡
stand by and supply all needs and make a poorest beggar a monarch; you can
condense in a well the world deluge at the end of a Kalpa§; and you can convert
a tile-stone into the purest gold.
Mighty Gods, you would sustain the world on your yoga-danda|| and kindly allow
A’dhi-sesha$ to take breath.
it, then, be any difficulty at all to you to melt towards Love my solid mind
like the bees-wax on fire?
Note: - In this and the next
verse (59) the saint continues with pleasure his enumeration of the miracles of
the Divine Siddhas to whose school his Guru Mauni belongs.
பாரொடுநன்னீராதி யொன்றொடொன்றாகவே
பற்றிலயமாம் போதினில்
பரவெளியின் மருவிவீர்
நீரிலுறைவண்டாய்த் துவண்டுசிவயோகநிலை
நெடியமுகிலேழும் பரந்துவருஷிக்கிலோ
நிலவுமதி மண்டலமதே
ஊரெனவிளங்குவீர் பிரமாதிமுடிவில்
உலகங்கள்கீழ்மேல தாகப்பெருங்காற்
மேருவெனவசையாம னிற்கவல்லீருமது
வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த சமரசநன்
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 3
59. O The Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike! I would now
disclose your situation at the end of a Kalpa: when the elements earth, water,
&c. dissolve and disappear into one another, you will soar high in the sky;
and if the Final Deluge* should take place, you will whirl round in water like
the sea-beetles and be in Siva-yoga. † When there is a heavy down-pour of rain
by all the seven clouds together, you will inhabit yourselves in the moon
planet. If the Trinity, Brahma &c. should cease to live, you will live by
the Grace of Supreme Siva‡ who rides on the white Bull§ When the endless worlds
or universe roll up and down against one another by the force of the Great
Storm|| you will remain in yoga$ unshaken like the Meru mountain.
Great Siddhas, your glory surpasses my power of description.
[* Final Deluge is the Great deluge that takes place
at the end of a Kalpa or Maha-Kalpa when all including the Trinity Brahma,
Vishnu and Rudra are destroyed, the Turiya-Murti (Siva or Para-brahman) alone
† Siva-Yoga is the contemplation
of Siva the Turiya Murti.
‡ Supreme Siva is the lord over Trinity above
mentioned. Brahma of the Trinity and Rudra of the Trinity should be
distinguished from Brahma or Siva or Eswara (the popular name of Siva all over
India used with reference to Siva Temple say Eswara’s Temple (ஈசுரன் கோவில்). He (Siva) is then called Turiya-Murti (i.e. Fourth
Murti or Brahm or Parabrahman beyond and above the Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and
Rudra). ‘Siva’ is used for Rudra in many modern publications, which is
consistent with its meaning and unauthorized by ‘Sruti’ as meant by the Agama
c.f. Notes to 21st verse.
§ c.f. Pattanathu Pillai our beloved Saint where he
says of Siva “Thy riding on the Bull is to show that Thou art the God of
|| That which takes place at the end of the worlds.
$ Dharana in the text c.f. Notes to 61st
எண்ணரியபிறவிதனில் மானிடப்பிறவி
இப்பிறவிதப்பினா லெப்பிறவிவாய்க்குமோ
கண்ணகனிலத்துநா னுள்ளபொழுதேயருட்
ககனவட் டத்தினுன்று
கலந்துமதி யவசமுறவே
பண்ணுவதுநன்மையிந் நிலைபதியுமட்டுமே
பதியா யிருந்த்தேகப்
பவுரிகுலையாமலே கெளரிகுண்டலியாயி
பண்ணவி தருளினாலே
விண்னிலவுமதியமுத மொழியாதுபொழியவே
வேதாந்தசித்தாந்த சமரசநன்னிலைபெற்ற
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 4
60. O The Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike!
multitudinous births, the human birth is most valuable and best fitted for the
attainment of spirituality. O! I cannot know my future life or plane of
existence if any! O! what toils and troubles I should then be subjected to! May
you, my masters of perfection, therefore, grant me, before I should discard
this body, the divine state of being absorbed in the Gracious Lord of Love and
Blessedness; whose mercy flows like the heavy showers of rain from the thick
clouds in the sky. And I will, until then, try to preserve intact the fabric of
my present embodiment by Siva’s Arul Sakti Gauri,* so as to cause the incessant
flowing of Soma’s† nectar in the Chidakas. ‡
[* Gauri is the personification of Sakti of Siva i.e.
active power or female energy of Siva. (Vide also page 74 of this journal where
my learned brother Mr. S. Ramaswamy Aiyar explains this very well on authority).
† Soma-Moon. Vide 36th verse and notes.
‡ Chidakas=Sphere of wisdom in us.]
பொய்திகழு முலகநடை யென்சொல்கே
பொய்யுடனிமித்தம் புசிப்புக்கலைந்திடல்
கைதவமலாவிது செய்தவமநல்லவே
மைதிகழுமுகிலினங் குடைநிழற்றிடவட்ட
வரைந்துசய விருதுகாட்டி
மெய்திகழுமஷ்டாங்க யோகபூமிக்குள்வளர்
வேதாந்தசித்தாந்த சமர்சநன்னிலைபெற்ற
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 5
61. O The Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike!
it is to consider the vanities of this worldly life. To depict the same in
brief, it consists, to the detriment of our aims of existence, in nothing but
our struggles for food and, when food secured, in stuffing up our bellies
therewith and sleeping away our precious moments. Even the blind and ignorant
are alive to this fact.
Benefactors, in whom the Satvic ‘goodness’ ever preponderance, I do not know
when I will be able to disentangle myself from the ties of these worldly
you help me, O Yogi-isas* to whom the dark masses of clouds obey and gather to
form at once a beautiful parasol overhead and who distinguish yourselves as
warriors in the field of Ashtinga Yoga,† while the banner of your Yoga-danda‡
will be flying not only over the golden Meru but also over the Eight§
chains of mountains.
[* A Yogi-isa is a prince of Yogins.
† Ashtanga Yoga=Yoga of Eight Angas or parts.
The Eight parts as best stated by Swami Vivekananda are: - (1) Yama, -
non-killing, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and non-receiving of any
gifts. (2) Niyama, - cleanliness, contentment, modification, study, and
self-surrender to God. (3) Asana or Athana, - posture, learning to
have a firm erect seat. (4) Pranayama, - learning to control the Prana or vital
forces in one’s own body. (5) Pratyakara, - learning to control the mind
completely; this is a difficult task requiring a continuous for years. [Hence the true Saints like our
Thayumanavar have sung over and over again towards subduing their minds, which
may appear to the unwise to be nauseous repetition] (6) Dharana is holding the mind; so subdued, to
certain points. All these 6 steps are necessary to bring us scientifically to
Dhyana and Samadhi. (7) When the mind has been trained to remain fixed on one
point, internal or external, there comes to it the power of flowing in an
unbroken current towards that point. This state is called Dhyana.
(8) When this power is so much intensified as to be able to reject the external
power of perception, and remain meditating only on the internal part, the meaning, that state is Samadhi or super-consciousness or
knowledge of self. [After knowing the self, one shall be intent on the Divine
Arul of Supreme Siva. c.f. the saint’s couplet ‘தன்னையறிந்தருனே தாரகமாய்நிற்பதுவே, யுன்னையறிதற் குபாயம் பராபரமே.”
O The
Supreme, to know one’s self and be
Thy Grace e’or intent helps to know Thee.
‡ Yoga-danda. Vide note to 58th verse.
§ c.f. Vide notes to 57th verse.]
கெசதுரகமுதலான சதுரங்க
தெசவிதமதாய் நின்றநாதங்க
இசையமலர் மீதுறை மணம்போலவாநந்த
வேதாந்தசித்தாந்த சமரசநன்னிலைபெற்ற
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 6
62. O The Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike!
Siva-Raja-Yogins,* I can hardly find space to write in the greatness of your
psychic powers. Like a sovereign’s four kinds of forces† war-chariots, horse
&c. Your four Antahkaranas Manas‡ and the rest submit themselves to your
control always.
greatness of your Siddhis§ spreads itself over the dominions of the six
centers|| and the three Mandalas: $ you fix yourselves in the lion’s seats of
your hearts wherefrom Ananda¶ flows as pleasant as the fragrance of the
seasonal flowers; while amidst the musical sounds of Dasa-natham,** all the Devas
Indra &c., praise you with acclamation and joy, your Soma’s orb†† radiating
its bright rays of light in all possible directions.
Praise be to your Siva-Raja-Yoga of eternity.
[* Siva-Raja Yoga is the concentration of mind
immediately conducive to the one’s union with the Supreme Siva. This verse
defines the said Raja Yoga which can be only better enjoyed than told or
described. The initiated only can understand it best. It is called also
Ashtanga Yoga vide 61st verse.
The 4 kinds of forces are: - infantry,
chariots, horse and elephants. The Tamil compound is ‘இரத கஜ துரக பதாதி’
Manas, Buddhi, Chittam and
Ahankara. Vide 96 Tatwas under verse 48.
6 centers are: - (1) A’nus, (2)
private part, (3) the navel, (4) the heart, (5) the uvula and (6) the forehead.
Vide notes to ‘sushumna’ and ‘soma’ under 36th verse.
The 3 Mandalas or orbits are: -
(1) Solar circle, (2) Agni circle or circle of fire or heat and (3) Lunar
circle. These three are said to remain respectively betwixt the two of the six
centers from below. Vide note to Siva-Raja Yoga above.
Dasa nadam or ten-fold sounds are
said to be felt by the Yogins.
Soma’s orb, moon’s orb or circle. (Vide note to Siva-Raja Yoga above).]
ஆணிலே பெண்ணிலே யென்போல
யகிலத்தின் மிசையுள்ளதோ
ஆடிய கறங்குபோ லோடியுழல்
யடக்கியொரு கணமேனும்யான்
காணிலேன் றிருவருளை
யல்லாது மெளனியாய்க்
கண்மூடி யோடுமூச்சைக்
கட்டிக் கலாமதியை முட்டவே
கனலினை யெழுப்பநினைவும்
பூணிலே னிற்றைநாட் கற்றதுங்
போக்கிலே போகவிட்டுப்
பொய்யுலக னாயினே னாயினுங்
புன்மையே னின்னமின்னம்
வீணிலே யலையாமன் மலையிலக்
வெளிப்படத் தோற்றல்
வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த சமரசநன்
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 7
63. O The Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike! I cannot for a second
control my restless mind like a wind – whirl and be intent on the Divine
Arul.* Nor would I remain in mona† with closed eyes, and restraining
my breath and arousing my innermost fire to reach the Soma’s orb. ‡
you can hardly find a greater fool than myself on the face of earth. I have not
yet made any best use of my knowledge acquired by learning as well as by
Divine Souls, let me, a poor creature, enjoy your graceful sight in full, so that
I may no more address myself to vain pursuits of life.
[* Vide note to 34th verse.
† Vide note to 2nd verse.
‡ Vide note to “Siva-Raja-Yoga” under 62nd
verse and note to 61st verse.]
கன்னலமு தெளவுமுக் கனியெனவும்
கண்டெனவு மடியெடுத்துக்
கடவுளர் கடந்ததல வழுதழுது பேய்போற்
கருத்திலெழு கின்றதெல்லாம்
என்னதறி யாமையறி வென்னுமிரு
லீட்டுதமி ழென்றமிழினுக்
கின்னல்பக ராதுலக மாராமை
டிருத்தலா லித்ரமிழையே
சொன்னவனி யாவனவன் முத்திசித்
தோய்ந்தநெறி யேபடித்தீர்
சொல்லுமென வவர்நீங்கள்
சொன்னவை யிற்சிறிது
தோய்ந்தகுண சாந்தனெனவே
மின்னல்பெறவே சொல்ல
விகசிப்ப தெந்தநாளோ
வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த சமரசநன்
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 8
64. O The Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike!
the case of certain Holy Saints* of old, the Supreme Being gave forth as a hint
the first line of their Sacred Poems, which was as sweet as sugarcane or
sugar-candy or the three delicious fruits.†
on the contrary, I have sung my poems, as suggested by my perfect or imperfect
knowledge, whenever I would weep like anything. Since, however, I see that they
are liked by the people in general, I believe that the world will apply to
you for information about the Divine accomplishment of their writer, you being
the great authorities in the matter of attaining the final Mukti.
Gods, for that day when you would, among other things, describe me to them to
be a sage of absolute goodness. ‡
[* The reference is to “Periapuran” and other sacred works,
in which the very first line was hinted by God to begin with. The first line in
the said Puran being “உலகெலாமுணர்ந்தோதற்கரியவன்” susceptible of various ideas
which lie buried in it, its rough translation being “The Omniscient Lord of the
Worlds, indescribable.”
† Vide not to 17th verse.
‡ The Saint, in this verse, expresses his earnest
expectation of Siddhas to say whether, in their view, he has passed the test of
“Sattvic preponderance.”]
பொற்பினொடு கைகாலில்
வள்ளுகிர் படைத்தலாற்
போந்திடை யொடுக்கமுறலால்
பொலிவான வெண்ணீறு பூசியே
பூசித்த வெண்ணீர்மையால்
எற்பட விளங்குகக னத்திலிமை
யிசைந்துமே னோக்கமுறலால்
இரவுபக லிருளான கனதந்தி
யிதங் களித்திடுதலால்
பற்பல விதங்கொண்ட புலிகலையி
படைத்துப்ர தாபமுறலால்
பனிவெயில்கள் புகுதாம
னெடியவான் றொடர்நெடிய
பருமர வனங்களாரும்
வெற்பினிடை யுறைதலாற்
றவராஜ சிங்கமென
மிக்கோ ருமைப்புகழ்வர்காண்
வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த சமரசநன்
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 9
65. O The Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike! O Mighty Yogins, I
would compare you to a lion; your beautiful hands and legs contain prolonged
nails; and elated with spiritual joy due to Divine Blessing, you get bright and
cheerful; while your bodies always shine with sacred ashes and bear pleasing
consistency with your slender waists. Further you assume an elevated look in
contemplation with your eyes ever open.
me now esteem your bold enterprise; you would easily destroy the dark elephants
of Anava* and, exulting yourselves in triumph, you would sit grand upon the
variegated tiger skins beneath the cool shaded groves of the mountains thickly
overgrown with lofty trees, wherein the Solar rays or the dews at nights can
never enter.
The Lions of ascetics, the sages and celestials eulogize you, indeed, with all
their hearts.
[* Anava means ignorance of darkness herein compared
with an elephant of dark-color and strength which can be over come only by the lion
the king of beasts.]
கல்லாத பேர்களே நல்லவர்க
கற்றுமறி வில்லாதவென்
கர்மத்தை யென்சொல்கேன்
மதியையென் சொல்லுகேன்
கைவல்ய ஞானநீதி
நல்லோ ருரைக்கிலோ கர்மமுக்
நாட்டுவேன் கர்ம்மொருவன்
நாட்டினா லோபழய ஞானமுக்
நவிலிவேன் வடமொழியிலே
வல்லா னொருத்தன்வர வுந்த்ரா
வந்ததா விவகரிப்பேன்
வல்லதமி ழறிஞாவரி ன்ங்ஙனே
வசனங்கள் சிறிது
வெல்லாம லெவரையு மருட்டிவிட
வித்தையென் முத்திதருமோ
வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த சமரசநன்
வித்தகச் சித்தர்கணமே. 10
66. O The Host of Siddhas of Divine powers who have attained the
noblest order of viewing the Vedanta and the Siddhanta alike!
illiteracy becomes by far superior to learning, in as much as I see that even
among the learned the ignorance does prevail. For instance, see my insensible
tendencies, the effect of my past karma.* As an intellectual giant I would, by
the force of my argument, establish that Karma† alone can procure the Mukti,
before the wise who would kindly instruct me that the Highest End can be
attained only by the Path-Gnana‡ of Bliss. If one should discuss in favor of
Karma, I would take up the side of the said Gnana and succeed in establishing
it (gnana) as the immediate step to Moksha. Before one who professes to be a
Sanskrit scholar. I would argue in Tamil as though I were well versed in it;
and if he should speak in Tamil, I would try to hush him up by some quotations
from Sanskrit.
Spiritual Lords, I have found, however, that bare intellectual cleverness of
silencing§ others with good speech can never lead one to Moksha.
[* Karma means Karma mala. Vide note to 2nd
† Karma here means action, i.e. Sariya, Kiriya and
Yoga alone. It is also called Karma marga. Vide note to 41st verse
about ‘Bhakti Marga’ and c.f. 36th verse.
‡ Pathi-Gnana is ‘the wisdom of the Lord Siva or
Pasupathi.’ C.f. “Karma (action) is simply a means for attaining wisdom and
forms a lower rung in the ladder which leads to Mukti or release.” Vide page 19
of The Awakened India of August 1897.
§ c.f. the saying “Silence your opponent with reason
and not with noise.” We know that some religious preachers simply bawl out
their own side, absurd as it is.]
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