Wednesday, July 22, 2015


      இன்னமுதுகனிபாகு கற்கண்டுசீனிதே
      தின்பங்கொடுத்தநினை யெந்நேரநின்னன்ப
      யுன்னியகருத்தவிழ வுரைகுளறியுடலெங்கு
      யுணர்வரியபேரின்ப வனுபூதியுணர்விலே
      கன்னிகையொருத்திசிற் றின்பவேம்பென்னி
            னுங் கைக்கொள்வன்பக்குவத்திற்
      கணவருள்பெறின்முனே சொன்னவாறென்
            னெனக் கருதிநகையாவளதுபோற்
      சொன்னபடிகேட்குமிப் பேதைக்குநின்கருணை
      சுத்தநிற்குணமான பரதெய்வமேபாஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    1

77.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness!
            Knowing that Thou art the fountain of Supreme Bliss to them, and enjoying Thee, sweet as the delicious extract of the mixture of the three fruits* with sugar, sugar-candy, ambrosia and honey, Thy beloved devotees would ever seek Thee, reflect on Thee and praise Thee in great emotion. They would blab and become overpowered with joy and would remain absorbed in Thy Heavenly Bliss. This is an undoubted fact with the advanced sages.
            But to me, who am, as it were, in a state of maidenhood, it is not gratifying; just as the sweets of ‘nuptial embrace’ will be quite unwelcome to a bride before puberty.
            Do Thou, therefore, initiate me, my Lord, into the blessedness of Thy Grace.
[* Vide note to 17th verse.]
      அன்பின்வழியறியாத வென்னைத்தொடர்ந்தென்
            னை யறியாதபக்குவத்தே
      யாசைப்பெருக்கைப் பெருக்கிக்கொடுத்துநா
      வென்புலமையங்கவே பித்தேற்றிவிட்டா
      மின்பவெளமாகவந் துள்ளங்களிக்கவே
      தன்பருவமலருக்கு மணமுண்டுவண்டுண்டு
            தண்முகைதனக்கு முண்டோ
      தமியனேற்கிவ்வணந் திருவிளமிரங்காத
      துன்பமுறினெங்ஙனே யழியாதநின்னன்பர்
      சுத்தநிற்குணமான பாதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    2

78.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness!
            With all my maidenhood ignorance of the sweets of Thy Love, it was Thy Benevolence to have stimulated my senses towards the same and left me in an unruly state of cares and anxieties.
            O! for the blessed day when Thou wouldst compassionate my condition, come and take me in Thy arms, unite me to Thee and fill me with exceeding pleasure and delight!
            O my beloved Lord, has not yet the bud of my heart fully spread its petals and diffused its fragrance of love, so that Thou mayest make me an object of Thy Pleasure?
            If I should be left to pine away in this manner, how is it possible for me to attain the Eternal Beatitude of Thy devotees.
      கல்லேனுமையவொரு கானத்திலுருகுமென்
      கருணைக்கிணங்காத வன்மையையுநான்முகன்
      வல்லான்வகுத்ததே வாய்க்காலெனும்பெரு
      வானமாய்நின்றின்ப மழையாயிரங்கியெனை
      பொல்லாதசேயெனிற் றாய்தள்ளனீதமோ
      பொய்வார்த்தைசொல்லொலோ திருவருட்கயலு
            மாய்ப் புன்மையேனாவனந்தோ
      சொல்லான் முழக்கிலோ சுகமில்லை மெளனி
            யாய்ச் சும்மா விருக்க வருளாய்
      சுத்தநிற்குணமான பரதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    3

79.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness!
            My mind is too hard to be softened to Thy Love. A stone may, perhaps, be melted but not my mind. Was the four-faced Brahma* possessed of an independent power to create so hard a mind for me? No, I could say. Because no Deity however mighty and strong can assert independence in Thy Presence. Nor can there be any Heavenly Being to confront Thy Will, since the proverb runs ‘The Almighty’s decree is inscrutable always’?
            Thou must, O Lord of All-blessedness, rain forth Thy Love for me and plunge me in Eternal Beatitude. There is no other go for me than to seek refuge in Thee. How can Thy Motherly* care miss me, Thine infant son, my evil tendencies withal.
            Do Thou, then, grant me the mona† of bliss, in as much as I fear that mere eloquence may beget the sin of lying and unfit me for Thy Blessing.
[* Brahma with the accent on the second syllable always will denote the Brahma of the Trinity as distinguishable from the Supreme Brahm or Brahma addressed by the Saint here.]
      என்பெலாநெக்குடைய ரோமஞ்சிலிர்ப்பவுட
      யிடையறாதுருகவரு மழைபோலிரங்கியே
      வன்பினான்மூர்ச்சித்த வன்பருக்கங்ஙனே
      தானந்தமழைபொழிவை யுள்ளன்பிலாதவெனை
      புன்புலான்மயிர்தோ னரம்பென்புமொய்த்திடு
      பொய்யல்ல்லேநிதனை மெய்யென்றுநம்பியென்
      துன்பமாயலையவோ வுலகநடையையவொரு
            சொப்பனத்திலும் வேண்டிலேன்
      சுத்தநிர்க்குணமான பரதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    4

80.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness! Thou art the revivifying medicament to restore Thy guileless devotees from swooning, into, which they sink out of an exceeding ananda* of love to Thee, most emotional in its nature – their bones break up; their hairs stand on end; their bodies decline; their mind does melt and melt like the wax on fire; and tears shower down from their eyes.
            But I am quite without such emotional love and piety; and it is rare, indeed, that Thou hast also chosen me as Thy disciple.
            I would not, even in my dream, think of this worldly career. And simply it will be an endless source of misery to me to rely on the fortitude of this loathsome body up of nasty flesh and bones and the veins, arteries and the hairy membranes.
[* Ananda – Bliss and delight.]
      வெந்நீர் பொறாதெனுடல் காலின்முட் டைக்க
            வும் வெடுக்கென்றசைத்தெடுத்தால்
      விழியிமைத்தங்ஙனே தண்ணருளைநாடுவேன்
      னந்நேரமையோவென் முகம்வாடிநிற்பதுவு
      யானாலுமெத்தப் பயந்தவனியானென்னை
      யிந்நேரமென்றிலை யுடற்சுமையதாகவு
      யெங்கெங்குமொருதீர்வை யாயமுண்டாயினு
      தொன்னீர்மையாளர்க்கு மானிடம்வகுத்தவரு
      சுத்தநிர்க் குணமான பரதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    5

81.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness!
            My body can hardly endure the hot water nor the prick of a thorn; and on any such pain occurring to me, I only look for Thy Grace. If I should happen to see any creature being killed, Thou knowest what tenderness of love and sympathy I smart under.*
            O My Supreme Ruler, do Thou not forsake me! I revere Thee with fear and love. I trust to Thee and Thee alone, who kindly didst confer longevity upon the ancient sages like Suka &c, though it was exceptional to the universal Law that men are born to die and that their life here is always uncertain.
[* One of the excellent doctrines of this school is the doctrine of Jiva-Karunya (Non-killing and compassion) the first step in Siva-Raja-Yoga. Hence Saiva Siddhantis are always vegetarians. Vide notes to 62nd verse.]
      பற்றுவனவற்றிடு நிராசையென்றொருபூமி
      பாங்கிற்பிராணலய மென்னுமொருபூமியிவை
      கற்றையஞ்சடைமெளனி தானேகனிந்தகனி
      கண்டதிந்நெறியெனத் திருவுளக்கனிலினொடு  
      பெற்றவனுமல்லேன் பெறாதவனுமல்லேன்
            பெருக்கத் தவித்துளறியே
      பெண்ணீர்மையென்னவிரு கண்ணீரிறைத்து
            நான் பேய்போலிருக்கவுலகஞ்
      சுற்றிநகைசெய்யவே யுலையவிட்டாயெனிற்
      சுத்தநிர்க்குணமான பரதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    6

82.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness!
            As in a bunch of plantains the full ripe fruit tends to ripen the unripe fruits also, so it was Thy sweet Will and Pleasure to assume the human form of Mauni† and, in view to bring me to perfection, reveal to me the two-fold essentials required for suppressing the mind, viz, Renunciation‡ and Restraint of prana§ the vital force of the mind.
            Nevertheless I have not been fully benefitted by the Divine World of Bliss. On the contrary, like a woman I put on the fiendlike guise of simply shedding forth my tears and make myself an object of hatred and contempt to the public.
            O extremely vexed is my present condition!
[† Vide notes to 27th and 48th verses.
‡ “Renunciation does not consist in flying away from wife and children – they are not the real Samsara (prapancha or universe) to be given up. Restlessness of the mind is the real Samsara.” Maitreya Upanishad. “When the mind is restless, there is Samsara, and when it attaining rest it attains Moksha.” Yoga Sikhu Up. ‘What is really to be renounced is the restlessness of the mind, the dominion of the self and the attachment of ‘me’ and ‘mine.’
§ Prana – one of the 10 vital airs (Vide 96 Tatvas under verse 48.)]
      அரும்பொனேமணியே யெனன்பேயெனன்பா
            ன வறிவேயெனறிவிலூறு
      மானந்தவெள்ளமே யென்றென்றுபாடினே
      விரும்பியேகூவினே னுலரினேனலறினேன்
      விண்மாரியெனவெனிரு கண்மாரிபெய்யவே
      னிரும்புநேர்நெஞ்சகக் கள்வனானாலுமுனை
      வென்றுநீயறுநா னுன்னடிமையல்லவோ
      துரும்பனேனென்னினுங் கைவிடுதனீதியோ
      சுத்தநிர்க்குணமான பரதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே                              7

83.       O Ocean o Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness!
            I see that I have been always co-existent* with Thee as Thy dependent; and yet but a worthless soul completely groping in the dark of my ignorance. At all events, Thou must not forsaken me. Pray include my name also in the sacred list of Thy devotees. Though I am an iron-hearted guiler, still I have never kept away from Thee.
            And Thou couldst never have been unaware of my excitement and commotion enfeebling me to a total suspension of my senses, whenever I would begin to worship Thee with my raised hands and, with a profuse shower of tears, would address myself to Thee and burst out in these entreating terms: -
                O Thou the rarest Gold!
            O Thou the Ruby dear!
            O Love, that can’t be told!
            O Thy Bliss drowns me mere!

[* The reference is to the existence of souls different from the Supreme Soul (God). They co-exist with God for ever as a fact; but their co-existence is subject to changes and sufferings (the outcome of their ignorance) until they are able to get God’s Divine Arul. They attain changeless perfection and bliss through God’s grace (not otherwise), when, they are said to be identifiable with God or to become God. This becoming is confounded by some with identity or realization by which they seem to mean or assume that man is not God, only until he known himself to be God; and is God or becomes God, when he so knows himself to be’. This is mere Idealism i.e., indulging in bare ideas or speculations without resorting to the revealed Truth of God’s beneficent relationship to us (souls). c.f. 50th verse with notes. c.f. also Thiruvarutpayan Chapter II. 9th couplet ஊமண்கண்போல வொளியுமிகவிருளேவாமன் கண்காணாதவை(Like the owl which cannot see even in bright sunlight, the souls (though present in God) cannot perceive God owing to its connection with Anava mala”) c.f. also Sivagnana Botham 10th Sutra.அவனே தானே யாகிய அந்நெறிய கனாகியிறை பணி நிற்க மலமாயை தன்னொடும் வல்வினையின்றே” (“As the Lord becomes one with the soul in its human condition, so let the soul become one with Him and perceive all His actions to be His. Then will it (soul) lose all its mala (anava) maya and karma”).]
      பாராதியண்டங்க ளத்தனையும்வைக்கின்ற
      பற்றுமனவெளிகாட்டி மனவெளியினிற்றோய்ந்த
      தாராளாமாய்நிற்க நிட்சிந்தைகாட்டிச்
      சகசநிலைகாட்டினை சுகாதீதநிலயந்
      காராரவெண்ணரு மனந்தகோடிகணின்று
      கால்வீசிமின்னிப் படர்ந்துபரவெளியெலாங்
      சோராதுபொழியவே கருணையின்முழங்கியே
      சுத்தநீர்க்குணமான பரதெயவமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    8

84.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness!
            Thou art the sole Merciful Lord whose boundless mercy streams forth like clouds in myriads of ways and directions and, with flashes of lightning, spreads itself all over the vast expanse of the sky, and does, incessantly, shower down bliss to Thy devotees with the inviting peals of thunder.
            Thou wast so much pleased as to disclose to me the picturesque sight of the firmament of the akas* wherein are made to figure themselves the innumerable worlds earth &c., and my etheric mind and my subject condition therein. Thou didst also bless me with an uninterrupted state of mona† and that of a systematic abstraction in yoga. ‡
            O Benefactor, it should, therefore, be no more considered premature that I could be at once placed in the Highest State of Supreme Bliss.
[* Akas – ether.
Mona – death of the mind.
Yoga – silent meditation as prescribed by the yoga-sutra (yoga science)]
      பேதித்தசமயமோ வொன்றுசொனபடியொன்று
      பேசாதபெரியோர்க ணிருவிகற்பத்தினாற்
      போதிக்குமுக்கணிறை நேர்மையாய்க்கைக்கொண்டு
      போக்குவரவறவின்ப நீக்கமறவசனமாப்
      சாதித்தசாதனமு மியோகியர்கணமைதென்று
      தன்னிலேதானா யயர்ந்துவிடுவோமெனத்
      சோதிக்கமனமாயை தனையேவினாவடிமை
      சுத்தநிர்க்குணமான பரதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    9
85.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness!
            There are multifarious systems of Faith, not one of which agrees with the other. Hence it is that great sages do seclude themselves from the controversial world and set in to observe the vow of continued silence.
            And Thou being the Three-eyed Lord Supreme didst think it fit to appear as the Holiest Guru and by a sacred Symbol didst initiate me spiritually. O! Blessed was the consequence which no teaching by word of mouth can produce. Unspeakably most beatific it was, plunging me in the ananda* of eternity free from rebirth.
            O God, the sadhanas resorted to until now are claimed by the yogins as theirs in a spirit of pride. For this reason, if I should desire to live the life of a recluse and tranquilize myself with self-possession, the versatile mind of maya† is set to disquiet me and disturb me. ‡
            O my Master, at this rate I cannot get myself absorbed in Thy Love of Bliss.
[* Ananda – bliss; eternal delight.
† Maya – matter. Mind is matter – c.f. 39th verse.
            ‡ The Saint refers in this verse to the Doctrine of Grace and its observance being absolutely necessary for attaining the Highest Moksha. Mere knowledge or practice of yoga or mere mona of self-possession cannot take us to The one, since, except through His Grace, we cannot extricate ourselves from the thralldom of maya or matter. c.f. The Saint’s couplet.
                ஆனந்த மானநின்னை யன்றியொன் றையுன்னாத
      மோனந்த மியேற்கு முத்தி பராபரமே.”
                 (O The Supreme, the mukti’s joy gets he,
            Who shall in mona think on none but Thee).
            c.f. also verses 36, 41, 42 and notes theron.”
      அண்டமுடிதன்னிலோ பகிரண்டமதணிலோ
      வன்னடுவிலோவமிர்த மதிநடுவிலோவன்ப
      தெண்டமிடவருமூர்த்தி நிலையிலோதிக்குத்
      திகழ்விந்துநாதநிலை தன்னிலோவேதாந்த
      கண்டபலபொருளிலோ காணாதநிலையெனக்
      காலமொருமூன்றிலோ பிறவிநிலைதன்னிலோ
      தொண்டர்களிட்த்திலோ நீவீற்றிருப்பது
      சுத்தநிர்க்குணமான பரதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    10

86.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness!
            Let me know where Thou wilt be manifest. Either in the summit of this universe or in the universe lying beyond it. Either in the region of the Sun or Agni (fire) or in the cool region of the Moon. Either in or outside the quarters or in the Akas. Or can I say that Thou art in the idols worshipped by Thy devotees with flowers with their hearts melting? Art Thou in the vindu the Pranava or in the Nathan (sound)? Or in the Vedanta or Siddhanta? Or in all the visible objects of the world? Shall I say that Thou dost survive the decay of those objects or Thou art both in the Past, Present and Future? Dost Thou present Thyself at Thy creation of this Prapancha or is Thy self-controlled devotees who have become absorbed and lost in Thy Divine contemplation.
            O my Lord, Thou must Thyself become my guide* to seek Thee out.
[* It is by God’s Grace that we can seek dim out. c.f. Shvet.Upa. VI, 21. “The Sage Shvetasvatara, by the power of his austerity and the Grace of God, has verily declared to the most excellent of the four orders, the Supreme holy Brahma, who is adored as all in all by all the Rishis.” c.f. Mr. Mead’s Translation ibid. “By power of meditation and by favor of the God, therefore Brahm knowing &c.” c.f. Saint Manikkavachakar. (Appealing to His mercy by the help of His Grace).]
      எந்தநாள்கருணைக் குரித்தாகுநாளெனவு
      யேதென்றுசொல்லுவேன் முன்னொடுபின்மலையறவு
      பந்தமானதிலிட்ட மெழுகாகியுள்ளம்
      பரமசுகமாவது பொறுப்பரியதுயரமாய்ப்
      சிந்தையானமறிவை யென்னறிவிலறிவான
      தேகநிலையல்லவே யுடைகப்பல்கப்பலாய்த்
      சொந்தமாயண்டநீ யறியார்கள்போலவே
      சுத்தநீர்க் குணமான பரதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    11

87.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness! O The All wise, Thou only knowest with what extreme pain of anxiousness do I look forward to the Blessed day of Thy grace.* I have not yet attained the changeless state of Peace and Happiness. Do Thou at once inspire me with the surest method of getting at it, to which I could readily and willfully resort. Be it either the hard struggle of controlling my mind† and liquidizing it to the state of inflamed bees-wax; or be it the senseless state of swooning often times.
            O The Intelligence of my intelligence, Thou knowest my sincere belief in Thee and Thee alone as the Sole Lord without a Second. ‡
            O my Grand Master, how uncertain and transient is my body! Let my voyage be done while it is sound. How can a wrecked ship be successfully steered through? Is it my lot still to be kept in bondage of this life?
[* c.f. Notes under 86th verse.
Vide Ashta-anga Yoga described under 61st verse.
The Saint alludes to the Sruti “Ekameva-dvithiyam Brahma.” The monists or idealists construe this to suit their rationalism theory, to mean ‘one without a second’ i.e., only one entity and there is nothing else. But why should they drop or miss “Brahma” in their interpretation? Because, otherwise, the true, Agamic interpretation “One Brahma without a second” i.e., “without a Second (Brahma),” which supports both reason, argument, logic and experience, will suggest itself at once to them and contradict their own theory of self made Godship. Pity it is that they don’t see that the universally prevalent Doctrined Prayer to God establishes the God to be different from us (souls or prayers) and to be also a Personal God i.e., not personal like ourselves but able to hear without ears like ours, to see without eyes like ours, to think or will without mind other art like ours &c.]
      எந்நாளுமுடலிலே யுயிராமுனைப்போ
      மியானுமென்னட்பாம் பிராணனுமெமைச்சடம
      யந்நானிலெவனோ பிரித்தானதைக்கேட்ட
      மநியாயமாயெமை யடக்கிகுறுக்கே
      முன்னாகநீயென்ன கோட்டைகொண்டாமென்று
      மூண்டெரியுமனவிட்ட மெழுகாயுளங்கருகன்
      சொன்னாலுநின்னரு ளிரங்கவிலையேயினிச்
            சுகம்வருவதெப்படி சொலாய்
      சுத்தநீர்க்குணமான பரதெய்வமேபரஞ்
            சோதியேசுகவாரியே.                                    12

88.       O Ocean of Joy, the characterless Supreme Being of Transcendent Brightness! Art Thou not conscious of the reactionary pain caused to me by Thy still with holding Thy Grace from me? Oh, my dull rigid mind rails at me in this reproachful language: “Do not myself and my life prana coexist with you “ever since you began to be a soul in body? Some one in bygone days began to discriminate us both “as the object consciousness from you as the subject “consciousness. From that moment forward you most “cruelly restrain us and subject us to your strict “and hard control. What have you gained thereby, “O Soul? Shame! and Shame it is to you!”*
            O the All-merciful, this puts me to extreme torture and I have simply to wear away like the wax in flames. Is this all my worth and desert? In myriads of ways I have been crying for Thy Help. Why hast Thou not yet moved at me? O for the day of rest in Thy Supreme Bliss!
[* c.f. the notes to 4th Sutra in Sivagnana Botham (Translation)]


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